NocoBase 0.11: New client application, plugin and router

NocoBase 0.11 introduces a new client application, plugin, and router, with an update to antd v5 and new plugins for data visualization, API keys, and Google Maps integration.

NocoBase team |

New features

  • New client application, plugin and router
  • Ant design upgrade to v5
  • New plugin
    • Data visualization
    • API keys
    • Google map

Incompatible changes

New client application, plugin and router

Plugin changes

before you had to pass a component and the component needed to pass props.children, for example:

const HelloProvider = (props) => {
  // do something logic
  return <div>{props.children}</div>;

export default HelloProvider;

now you need to change to the plugin way, for example:

+import { Plugin } from '@nocobase/client'

const HelloProvider = (props) => {
  // do something logic
  return <div>

+ export class HelloPlugin extends Plugin {
+   async load() {
+   }
+ }

- export default HelloProvider;
+ export default HelloPlugin;

plugins are very powerful and can do a lot of things in the load phase:

  • modify routes
  • add Components
  • add Providers
  • add Scopes
  • load other plugins

Routing changes

if you used RouteSwitchContext to modify the route before, you now need to replace it with a plugin:

import { RouteSwitchContext } from '@nocobase/client';

const HelloProvider = () => {
  const { routes, ...others } = useContext(RouteSwitchContext);
    path: '/hello',
    component: Hello,

  return (
      <RouteSwitchContext.Provider value={{ ...others, routes }}>

now you need to change to the plugin way, for example:

- import { RouteSwitchContext } from '@nocobase/client';
+ import { Plugin } from '@nocobase/client';

const HelloProvider = (props) => {
-  const { routes, ...others } = useContext(RouteSwitchContext);
-  routes[1].routes.unshift({
-    path: '/hello',
-    component: Hello,
-  });

  return <div>
-   <RouteSwitchContext.Provider value={{ ...others, routes }}>
-   </RouteSwitchContext.Provider>

+ export class HelloPlugin extends Plugin {
+  async load() {
+'admin.hello', {
+       path: '/hello',
+       Component: Hello,
+    });
+  }
+ }
+ export default HelloPlugin;

more details can be found in packages/core/client/src/application/

antd upgrade to v5

  • antd related details view the official website V4 to V5
  • @formily/antd replace with @formily/antd-v5