
Everything is a plugin. Use plugins to extend the capabilities of NocoBase.

The complete plugin marketplace is expected to go live in the fourth quarter of 2024. Until then, if you need to purchase plugins or sell your plugins, please contact us to discuss the details.

Contact to buy or sell plugins

Data sources

Data source: External MySQL
By NocoBase

Connect to external MySQL databases as data sources.

Data source: External MariaDB
By NocoBase

Connect to external MariaDB databases as data sources.

Data source: External PostgreSQL
By NocoBase

Connect to external PostgreSQL databases as data sources.

Data source: External SQL Server
By NocoBase

Connect to external SQL Server databases as data sources.

Data source: HTTP API
By NocoBase

Connect to external HTTP API as data sources.


Collection: Comment
By NocoBase

Provides comment collection template to add commenting functionality for any collection.

Collection: Connect to foreign data (FDW)
By NocoBase

Connection to remote data tables implemented based on the database's foreign data wrapper (FDW), currently supporting MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.


Block: Tree
By NocoBase

Use the tree component to present data as filter blocks that can be connected to other data blocks.

Users & permissions

By NocoBase

Organize users by departments, set hierarchical relationships, link roles to control permissions, and use departments as variables in workflows and expressions.


Auth: CAS
By NocoBase

CAS authentication.

Auth: OIDC
By NocoBase

OIDC (OpenID Connect) authentication.

Auth: SAML 2.0
By NocoBase

SAML 2.0 authentication.

Auth: LDAP
By NocoBase

LDAP authentication.

Auth: DingTalk
By NocoBase

DingTalk authentication.

Auth: Wecom
By NocoBase

Wecom authentication.


Workflow: Approval event
By NocoBase

Triggered when an approval request is initiated through an action button or API. Dedicated to the approval process, with exclusive approval node and block for managing documents and tracking processing processes.

Workflow: Custom action event
By NocoBase

For complex data processing that cannot be handled simply by NocoBase's built-in operations (CRUD), you can define a series of operations through a workflow and trigger it with the "Trigger Workflow" button.

Workflow: Custom variable
By NocoBase

Used for creating custom variables or assigning value to it in workflows, to save temporary data in the process.

Workflow: JSON query node
By NocoBase

Used for parsing or querying values from complex JSON data (result of HTTP request or SQL etc.).

Workflow: Pre-action event
By NocoBase

Triggered before the execution of a request initiated through an action button or API, such as before adding, updating, or deleting data. Suitable for data validation and logic judgment before action.

Workflow: Response message
By NocoBase

Used for assemble response message and showing to client in form event and request interception workflows.

Workflow: Date&time calculation node
By NocoBase

Calculate, compare, and format dates and times.


Embed NocoBase
By NocoBase

Embed NocoBase into another system or webpage, integrating it as a part of that system or webpage.